Exciting Progress on Regulation Spaces at Gilbert Ward Academy

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20th Jun 2024

We are delighted to share that significant progress has been made in the development of our regulation spaces at Gilbert Ward Academy. Our efforts to create supportive environments for our pupils are well underway, with additional rooms being rolled out continuously.

One of our newly established rooms focuses on the two senses of light and sound. This room is designed with a clear vision: to support our pupils' regulation using equipment and strategies that they can easily replicate at home. We believe that the tools and methods we teach should be affordable and accessible. Therefore, we have sourced our equipment online, ensuring that the items are not only effective but also available for purchase by families. This approach ensures that the strategies learned at school can be seamlessly continued at home and into adulthood.

You might recall a previous post where we introduced our gym. The gym helps pupils regulate through movement, teaching them skills to use gym equipment. Our goal is for them to carry these skills into their late teens and adulthood, enabling them to join a gym and continue to use movement to support their regulation.

We are also collaborating with occupational therapists to develop similar strategies for deep pressure and stretching. These initial discussions are promising, and we look forward to sharing more details with you soon.